Workers’ rights are human rights, but our current system is not set up optimally for workers to succeed. To that end, I’ve introduced bills to prevent wrongful firing, clarify unemployment benefits for striking workers, and include medical cannabis in injury compensation.


H. 1946 An Act relative to wrongful discharge from employment

Clarify unemployment benefits for striking workers

H. 1947 An Act relative to unemployment compensation and labor disputes

Unions and strikes are a powerful tool by which workers can secure safe working conditions and the benefits they need to protect themselves and their families. For that reason, we must ensure that support workers when they unionize and strike. However, in recent years it’s proven confusing as to whether and when striking workers are entitled to the unemployment benefits so crucial to meeting their daily needs. This means that right now, employers can unfairly weaponize benefits to their advantage during collective bargaining and contract negotiations. If passed, this bill would remove ambiguity in the current statue and provide a clear timeline for unemployment benefits to remove obstacles for workers.

Include medical cannabis in worker compensation

H. 1949 An Act relative to worker compensation protections for certified medical cannabis

Medical cannabis can relieve chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, and spasticity, yet current laws prohibit injured workers from being compensated for the use of medical cannabis in their treatment. If passed, this bill would require that health insurance providers reimburse medical cannabis to employees who are qualifying patients or their personal caregiver.